I spent years speaking in front of the mirror

Alfred Tanuwidjaja
3 min readJul 24, 2024


Photo by Caroline Veronez on Unsplash

The practice of speaking in front of the mirror has helped me overcome my fear of public speaking or talking to someone in general. It has also helped me overcome my facial insecurities.

Short Story

Many years ago, I had a guitar teacher who would sit me in front of the mirror to practice. Whenever I looked down at my guitar for too long, he would force me to look at my reflection and practice.

I was highly frustrated with this unconventional style of practice but did it anyway.

The valuable lessons he was teaching me

I realised what he was trying to teach me when I became a full-time performer in a working live band.

You will automatically become an entertainer once you are on stage as a performer. Your customers won’t know the difference between a good and bad guitar solo. They are there to be entertained, have a good time with friends, and drink their sorrows away.

Looking at my reflection while practising my guitar gave me the advantage of separating my focus. Instead of looking down at what I am playing most of the time, I can now look at my audience and play the guitar without looking down all the time. By doing so, it allows me to connect with my audience.

The audience might lose attention if I always stare at my guitar while on stage. No one wants to see a band just staring down at their musical instruments. We need to connect.

Even after leaving my teacher’s side, I still practice what he taught me differently. Today, as a content creator for brands, I spend most of my time creating content that centers on sharing my expertise and proposing new ideas to clients. The mirror practice of speaking to myself helped me a lot along the way, especially as an introvert who dislikes speaking.

How it helped me today

Speaking to my reflection has helped me to be confident in all sorts of situations. I can practice a variety of things in front of the mirror.

Selling a product in front of the mirror
Angle your product correctly while selling it to your customer.
Presenting your product correctly while speaking to your customer.
Do not look away or down at your product all the time.

Selling a coaching service in front of the mirror?
Watching your facial expressions, smiling more.
Watching your hand gestures and body movements, are you fidgeting too much because you are uncomfortable?
Presenting an idea from your Macbook, are you staring at it too long or pointing in the wrong direction?

It feels like I can picture my reflection whenever I speak to someone now. Years spent speaking or practising in front of the mirror allowed me to be conscious of my facial expressions or body movements. The most potent takeback of practice is that it helped me overcome my facial insecurities or insecurities in general. I learnt to accept who I am and the value I can give others. It made the most challenging things seem easier now, like starting a YouTube channel or posting videos of me sharing my experiences.

If you are ever facing a challenge like mine, try practising what you do in front of the mirror. Be familiar with your actions or how you speak before entering the real world.

Thanks for reading!

Hello, I’m Alfred.
I love to write about my experiences and lessons I learnt along the way as a music teacher and content creator. I look forward to connecting with you!



Alfred Tanuwidjaja

Life lessons I learned as a music teacher and brand content creator - hello@alfredtwj.co